Why local history matters to our community

why local history matters_karen

"I believe in celebrating local history!"

- Karen, visitor at the 1883 Water Works

tabitha and justin share why local history matters

"Local history is important so we don't repeat the mistakes of the past."

- Tabitha and Justin, visitors at the 1883 Water Works

Local history matters to communities because...

A city is not a community without an understanding of its past. Our knowledge of the traditions, stories, and civic commemorations from the community members before us strengthen our connections and transforms our city into a community. By continuing to share these stories and local traditions, we help strengthen our community connection. 

Want to be a part of our community?

There are so many ways to be involved with local history:

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Avery House:  The Avery House is open for tours every weekend, Saturday & Sunday from 1 - 4 pm. Come see an important piece of Fort Collins history and learn about the work community members before us accomplished. Join us for events at the Avery House including our annual Tea on the Avery Lawn, Holiday Open House, or Old Fashioned 4th of July

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1883 Water Works: The 1883 Water Works is open seasonally, from May - October. Come by an open house next season, or celebrate with us at our annual family-friendly Big Splash at the Water Works event in June. 


Want to join our volunteer team?

Check out our volunteer opportunities and send us an email. We'd love to hear from you!