Exhibit at the 1879 Avery House
"The Margaret Brown Collection: A Legacy of Fashion and Friendship" — a 2016 exhibit at the 1879 Avery House.

An exhibit running February–July, 2016, at the 1879 Avery House showcases a remarkable collection of a century of fine womenswear, mid-1800s to mid-1900s. The Margaret Brown Collection is among the largest and most important donations of historic costume to PLF. The exhibit offers a beautiful, extensive range of fashion, from evening gowns to sportswear, outerwear to undergarments, hats to shoes.
Margaret Brown’s lifelong love of vintage fashion resulted in an extensive collection that she used for charity fashion shows. Brown, who currently lives in Denver, had been on the lookout for a suitable place to donate her collection. After seeing the Rocky Mountain PBS Arts District feature on the Avery House’s 2013 costume exhibit, “Fashions of an Age: The Downton Abbey Era,” Brown contacted PLF about donating her collection. PLF is delighted and honored to share, through this exhibit, Margaret Brown’s legacy of fashion and friendship.